How Long Does a Metal Roof Last? Factors That Affect Durability

how long does a metal roof last

Businesses across the US are adopting more and more physical locations. In 2021, businesses with physical sites were up 7% when compared to 2019. Part of owning or renting a brick-and-mortar business is maintaining your property. This includes roof installation when your existing roof needs an upgrade. If you’re considering your options, you might be wondering, […]

The Importance of TPO Waterproofing a Commercial Roof

TPO waterproofing

The term ‘waterproof’ refers to a surface that is impervious to water. That is, water can not easily penetrate the surface. Manufacturing terms-wise, it’s the highest level of water protection compared to water-resistant and water-repellant. While waterproofing is not perfect, it’s the best defense that your TPO roof has against water damage. TPO waterproofing also offers […]

The Advantages of EPDM Roofing

EPDM roofing

The average asphalt shingle roof lasts for 15-20 years. Sometimes, storm damage and other factors can cause these roofs to last for shorter periods. These roofing materials also have several vulnerabilities. They can become damaged relatively easily. When this happens, it allows structural damage to worsen. That’s why many people recommend getting your roof inspected twice […]

5 Common Myths About Roof Replacement: Debunked!


If you’re a Property Manager who is responsible for the upkeep of commercial properties, then it’s important to be aware of the myths that are often associated with a roof replacement. Too often, Property Managers make decisions about their roofs without all of the facts. In this blog post, we will debunk the 5 most […]

Protecting Your Commercial Roof from Snow Damage This Winter

winter damage

Heavy snow and ice buildup can be a problem for commercial roofs in parts of the northeast. The unpredictability of the weather can sometimes leave business owners hoping for a mild winter. Eventually, though, a brutal storm or cold snap will arrive, making it essential that managers prepare for the worst. Fortunately, a solid plan, […]