Roof Damage in Connecticut from Irene

Hurricane Irene was tough on a lot of people. Thousands of homes lost power which put many in tough situations. It’s easy to forget how much we rely on electricity for our entertainment, work or as just a way to pass the time.

Visit us on Google Places

Eagle Rivet Roofing Contractors has recently made a Google Places profile. Feel free to visit and leave us a review. We take extra pride in our work and would love to hear what you thought about any project we may have completed for you. As a premier CT roofing contractor, Eagle Rivet understands the importance […]

Eagle Rivet Recognized by the AIA

Recently, some of the work Eagle Rivet has performed was singled out by the American Institute of Architects. Each year the Connecticut chapter of AIA bestows awards on several high quality projects. You can read the jury comment about the project featured above: This small guest house, with its green roof, takes the simplicity of […]